Monterey Peninsula Unified School District BESTS

Building Equitable Supports through a Tiered System (BESTS)

Students and families in your community who are experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity, have varying needs. Setting up a system and process of prioritization that outlines how your team will approach service delivery can be an important step to take. Doing so will help ensure we are serving the students with the most pressing risk factors first. The resources below are meant to provide support with thinking through and establishing the prioritization process.

Resources for Process Development

These Resources for Process Development detail best practices that aid in setting up systems and processes for prioritization.

Tiers of Service

This resource breaks down how to structure the program into tiers of services. Each level contains different interventions and supports, increasing in intensity as the student rises up the tiers. This approach allows liaisons to maximize their support and serve the most students and families.

Needs Metrics/Prioritization

This resource explains how to determine needs metrics that will be used to prioritize students for services as well as how to weigh the various risk factors that are identified. The goal is to serve the highest needs students first to prevent them from falling through the cracks. Metrics should be adapted to your school/district’s population and reflective of the needs of your students and families.

Waitlist Protocols

This resource explains the procedures and protocols that are used to create a waitlist of students once liaisons are at capacity for serving students. These protocols help us to manage and prioritize the students to assure that we are serving the highest needs students first.

Resources for Direct Implementation

These Processes for Direct Implementation are identification resources that you can download, edit, adapt and directly use with students and families to strengthen your current efforts.

Example McKinney-Vento Referral Form

This is a screenshot of an example referral form operated off of Google Forms. School site staff can use this to refer students/families directly to the liaison for additional support services. If you would like a copy of this google form, please email your request to

Example McKinney-Vento Referral Form (Responses)

This Google Sheet is connected to the referral form and is used to track all responses. Once the Referral Form is completed, the responses are automatically transferred onto this connected Google Sheet. The liaison can refer back to this to track important information regarding the referral including the email address of the referring person should there be additional questions. The liaison should use this information to help determine which tiered level of support the student/families will require.

Example Waitlist

This is an example Google Sheet to track the students that are placed on the waitlist, including how to score their risk factors in order to be prioritized for services. If you would like a copy of this Google Sheet, please email your request to