Monterey Peninsula Unified School District BESTS
An important first step in supporting students and families who are experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity is to identify who those students and families are. The resources below are meant to support the identification process.
This resource is an example of a year-long plan that outlines the steps districts and school sites can take and activities they can provide throughout the year to serve their district’s McKinney-Vento student population. On the left you will list your time frame, in this example it is broken down by month, and on the right you will see the various tasks and activities that need to be completed in the given time frame. Having a year-long plan will help keep you organized, on task, and accountable.
These Processes for Direct Implementation are identification resources that you can download, edit, adapt and directly use with students and families to strengthen your current efforts.
The End of Year Letter is a form that can be sent out prior to summer break, typically between May-June. This letter will help to prepare families for what to expect for the upcoming school year, the registration process, and resources that families can access while away from school.